DCMIO features
The following are the features and functions of DCMIO.
The HOME feature displays the DCMIO information that must be configured in the user's medical system (modality). Its displays the following information.
IP: Your local IP Address
Port: 5252
STATUS features enable the user to filter and read the received study's information like patient details, image details, study details, series details, etc. It is also used for monitoring the DCMIO status.
In the STATUS page, the user can filter the FROM DATE and the TILL DATE of the received study. Click on the FROM DATE and the TILL DATE, then fill in the appropriate dates of the study.

The user can also filter the study's information in two ways.
Click on the drop-down arrow and select the appropriate results. ​
Type the appropriate study information in the blank space, then click ​
. The searched results will display.
The Status page consists of two sections that the user can use for reading the study information and monitoring the DCMIO data.
The following is the study's information that the user can read on the Status page.
Note: For more information about the structure of the study information, see Study Root Hierarchy.
The following is the information that the user can monitor the DCMIO processed data on the Status page.
Note: The user must only use GRAPHS and TASKS for monitoring purposes.
IMAGES page displays the sequence ID number, SOP INSTANCE UID, STATUS, and DETAILS. It collects and shows the SOP INSTANCE UID, STATUS, and DETAILS from the received study.
Select to view the study Image Details of a particular SOP INSTANCE UID. The Image Details page displays the SUMMARY of the study like SOP Instance UID, Series Instance UID, Study Instance UID, etc., and the ACTIONS that can be performed like DOWNLOAD DICOM, DOWNLOAD PNG, and DELETE IMAGE.
The user can view any details from the list of Image Details summary of the selected SOP INSTANCE UID.
For example, if the user wants to view the Metadata details, the user needs to select icon, and the DICOM METADATA details will be displayed. Click back, to go back to the main Image Details page.
Note: The user can only view the summary's details if it has icon.
SERIES page displays the sequence ID number, SERIES INSTANCE UID, STATUS, and DETAILS. It collects and shows the SERIES INSTANCE UID, STATUS, and DETAILS from the received study.
Select to view the study Series Details of a particular SERIES INSTANCE UID. The Series Details page displays the SUMMARY of the study like Series Instance UID, Study Instance UID, Instances, Patient ID, etc.
The user can view any details from the list of Series Details summary of the selected SERIES INSTANCE UID.
For example, if the user wants to view the Study Instance UID details, the user needs to select icon, and the Study Details summary will be displayed. Click back, to go back to the main Series Details page.
Note: The user can only view the summary's details if it has icon.
STUDIES page displays the sequence ID number, STUDY INSTANCE UID, STATUS, and DETAILS. It collects and shows the STUDY INSTANCE UID, STATUS, and DETAILS from the received study.
Select to view study Study Details of a particular STUDY INSTANCE UID. The Study Details page displays the SUMMARY of the study like Study Instance UID, Series, Instances, Patient ID, etc.
The user can view any details from the list of Study Details summary of the selected STUDY INSTANCE UID.
For example, if the user wants to view the Patient ID details, the user needs to select icon, and the Patients details will be displayed. Click back, to go back to the main Study Details page.

Note: The user can only view the summary's details if it has icon.
PATIENTS page display the sequence ID number, the patient's NAME, SEX, AGE, and DETAILS. It collects them from the received study.
Select to view the study Patient Details of a particular Patient. The Patient Details page displays the SUMMARY of the study like Patient ID, SEX, Patient Age, etc.
The user can view any details from the list of Patient Details summary of the selected Patient.
For example, if the user wants to view the Patient Name details, the user needs to select icon, and the PATIENTS details will be displayed. Click back, to go back to the main Patient Details page.

Note: The user can only view the summary's details if it has icon.
GRAPHS page displays the sequence ID number, REFERENCE UUID, CREATED (date and time), UPDATED (date and time), and DETAILS. It is used for monitoring the different DCMIO processed data.
TASKS page displays the sequence ID number, GRAPH, TYPE of tasks, DEPS (Dependencies), FAILURE, STATUS, and DETAILS. It enables the user to monitor the status of the processed image. The following are the three types of status that can be monitored.
INITIAL: Initial status means that the image is in a queue for processing to the cloud server.
SUCCESS: Success status means that the image is processed successfully to the cloud server.
FAILED: Failed status means that the processing of the image has failed.
The CONFIG feature enables the user to configure the DCMIO to initiate the communication between DCMIO and Qure's cloud server. Config consists of the following sections.
For more information, see Configuration.
Last updated
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