
Version 1.0.19

6th June, 2024

New Features

1. Status check to confirm whether Gateway is operational.

  • Added a status check indicator in the Qure App UI to confirm whether the Gateway is up and running.

  • This feature simplifies troubleshooting by indicating if Gateway is operational, making it easy to identify if Gateway is the source of an issue.

  • It also helps resume client workflows after halts by providing a clear signal when Gateway is operational and it's safe to resume.

2. Upload DICOMs to multiple sources.

  • Added support for uploading multiple incoming DICOMs to different sources, enabling work-list based divisions for clients with multiple sites.

  • In scenarios where DICOMs come from multiple scanners to Gateway, they can now be associated with a single work-list and tracked by site based on source.

  • This allows for segregating DICOMs by origin and restricting access between sites while maintaining a unified work-list.

Version 1.0.17

27th Jun 2023


  • Added File System Watcher that reads scans from system folders (for clients that don't have Modality/PACS)

  • Can now change directory of installation on Windows

  • Can now install Gateway for each user or system wide on Windows


  • Deleting Image also deletes Image Series if the image is the only image in the series

  • Added timestamps and duration logs for tracking

  • Support added for age and other time based metadata filters

  • Logs are forwarded to Datadog for timely resolution of errors

  • Django version bumped up to 3.2.19

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed error when whitespace characters exists in echoscu and dcmsend binary path on Windows

  • Fixed port busy error pop up when relaunched directly instead of tray icon on Windows

Version 1.0.16

25th Mar 2023


  • Added DCMSEND functionality for importing a bunch of DICOM files into Gateway.

  • Added ECHOSCU functionality for sending a DICOM ECHO to another device and waiting for a response in Gateway.

  • By default, the anonymization of the patient's demographics is on.

  • Anonymization/Deanonymization process was made easier.

    • Anonymization will be turned on by default.

    • All fields in the upload anonymization config will be deanonymized by default.

    • Key `fields_to_deanonymize` in DICOM publisher config should be used only if you don't want to deanonymize all the fields in the upload config.

  • Searching, sorting, entries per page, and pagination functionalities were added to DCSM UI for smooth operations.

  • Non-conformant/Erroneous DICOMs are now saved on disk.

    • Configurable path for erroneous DICOMs.

    • Configurable max number of such DICOMs saved.

  • Added feature for bad internet sites to retry upload, process, and result tasks 5 times every hour limited by `max_retry_task` key in config.


  • MS Redistributable C++ is now installed by the installer itself (no external dependency anymore).

  • Installer is signed by Certificate.

  • Installation time decreased up to 5x on Windows.

  • Changed dependency to lightweight custom image manager version for Gateway.

    • The job Manager version bumped up to 0.1.46.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed error occurring while deanonymizing an absent metadata field.

  • Fixed blockage of queue-processor threads in the DICOM server due to non-conformant DICOMs.

    • Fixed error raised when publisher filtering tag receives byte strings.

    • Fixed `dcmcjpeg` to never change SOP Instance UID.

Version 1.0.15

23rd Jan 2023


  • The AE Title of the Dicom Sender can be customized/configured.

  • It is possible to store customizable/configurable messages for display on the UI.

  • Added functionality to retry multiple failed tasks simultaneously.

  • A new column displaying processing status has been added to the status page for both images and series.

  • Users have the option to configure server deletion settings when deleting an image from the status page.

  • It is possible to configure the storage of results response in process task results.

  • The columns displayed on the status page can be configured/customized.

  • Users have the ability to configure/customize failure cases for process tasks.

  • Documentation on setting up the development environment has been added to the README file.


  • The performance of the create workflow has been increased by 3 times.

  • Soft deleted tasks are automatically purged from the system after a certain period of time.

  • The process task's critical failure cases will now have only one retry attempt instead of the previous five.

Bug Fixes

  • The issue with DICOM compression on Windows has been resolved.

  • The issue of postgres shutting down during app exit on Windows has been resolved.

Version 1.0.14

2nd Dec 2022


  • The docker version now allows customization of the AET and port.

  • Users can now configure log rotation for the docker version.

  • Added randomized testing scripts to the repository.

  • Cleanup of patients and studies happens upon their series cleanup if they are empty.

  • When cleaning up, DCMIO now directs the API to delete its series, and users can configure this for processed and general series separately."

Status Page

  • Added a new toggle button on the status page that displays a summary when clicked.

  • Developed a new framework for adding bulk actions.

  • Users can now delete a single series for CT scans.

  • Users can now delete multiple series at once from the summary page.

  • Implemented safeguards on the status page to prevent actions from being clicked twice.

  • Stricter retry tasks action state checks to prevent inconsistent states in DB.

  • Added Patient ID and Patient Name to the Patient table.

  • Added Patient ID, Patient Sex, and Patient Age to the Image table.

Status Page UI

  • The title now shows tabs instead

  • Icon changed for search

  • The details page is now accessible by clickable rows and removed clickable details on rows.

  • All the widths of the columns of all tables were tweaked to give a uniform look.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the status page tabs.

  • If the workflow task cleans up, the deletion of a single image will fail is fixed.

  • Fixed the issue where the Dicom server command did not pick the correct AET from the arguments.

  • Fixed the issue of the graph id not appearing in the tasks table on the status page.

  • Fixed the issue of missing fields causing anonymization upload failures. Instead of anonymizing missing fields, the system was randomly generating values, but we have now resolved this.

Version 1.0.13

10th Nov 2022


  • The DCMIO can send DICOMs to various PACS based on Modality, AE Title, AE IP Address + Port, or any existing result, metadata, or private tag.

  • Now, DCMIO can act as a high-performance standalone DICOM sorter based on DICOM tags, metadata, or private tags.

  • Added documentation and sample configurations to the repository at resources/configs/publishers/filtering/.

  • Redesigned the image metadata page to display more relevant details, including private tags.

  • Rewritten the configuration for publisher filtering, enabling you to filter based on AI results, DICOM metadata, and DICOM private tags."

Bug Fixes

  • Implemented a fix that enables DCMIO to run on Super Admin accounts.

  • Fixed a rare bug that caused the creation of multiple configs.

  • The installation of DCMIO should no longer require a restart.

Last updated