To Edit/Merge Patient Worklist Information

To Edit Patient Worklist

Perform the following steps to edit the patient worklist information.

  1. Click the patient's name at the top of the Patient Channel.

  2. On the Edit Patient dialog box, type the Full Name, Age, and select the appropriate Birth Gender from the drop-down list.

  3. Click Update.

To Merge the Patient Worklist

A user can merge multiple records of a patient under a single patient if:

  1. The app has detected a duplicate patient's record.

  2. It was accidentally created multiple patient records.

  3. It was received from different sources with different IDs.

Note: The Merge Patients feature aids hub and spoke models, and teleradiology, ensuring data continuity, informed decisions, and avoiding data loss.

Merging Patient Records: Prompt Message Appear

When the app detects duplicate entries a prompt message appears.

Perform the following steps to merge patient records when a prompt message appears.

  1. Click the prompt message Review option on the patient channel.

  2. On the Matching patient profile dialog box, select the desired patient ID number from the drop-down list.

  3. Click Merge.

Merging Patient Records: Prompt Message is not Appearing

When the app did not detect any duplicate entries a prompt message will not appear on the patient channel.

Perform the following steps to merge patient records when a prompt message is not appearing.

  1. Click the patient's name at the top of the Patient Channel.

  2. On the Edit Patient dialog box, click Merge patients.

  3. On the Matching patient profile dialog box, select Search patients and type the patient's name which you wanted to merge with.

  4. Click Merge.

Last updated