Edit Report

The Edit Report option allows the radiologists, consultants, and doctors to edit the AI-processed reports and add a report template.

The following are the steps to edit the reports and add a report template.

  1. Click Edit Report. Type and modify the report on the editor.​

  2. If necessary, click Add Template and select the report template from the list. For more information, see Report Templates and Formatting.

  3. The AI-processed report will be appended by the addition of the new template. For example:

  4. Use the formatting options to change the fonts, make the text bold or italic, and create a bulleted or numbered list. Utilize the Undo and Redo options as necessary.

  5. Click Save. The AI-processed report will be updated, and the status will change to Last edited by you on the Reporting Panel and Preview Panel.​

    Note: The updated report will automatically be sent to the Patient Channel.

  6. If you want to reset to the original AI-processed report, click Reset to AI findings on the REPORTING panel, and click Yes to confirm.​

Last updated